This is a site for orchids lovers to discuss,admire,share images of personal collections, appreciate the variety of beautiful forms, tips, secrets and orchid care.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Cultural care for Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Phaphiopedilum and Phaleanopsis can be obtained at
I plant a bit of everything provided the orchid plant catch my attention and nomally must be of good quality.I also have some pahlaenopsis, doritaenopsis and also renanthopsis.
If you have anything to share it is O.K. to post here. My mail box normally flooded with spam and I may miss it.
Whether your garden is a windowsill, a basement, a greenhouse, or a plot of land, Home Orchid Growing is the only reference book you will ever need to cultivate one of nature's most varied and fascinating plants. In the past forty years, it has become the best-known and most authoritative work in its field, and even gardeners who still have an original copy of this classic work will find much to inspire and delight them in the revised and updated fourth edition.
* Growing with artificial light
* Genetics and hybridization
* Seed germination and seedlings
* Cloning (micropropagation)
* Control of flowering
* Dealing with pests and diseases
Hi Frederick,
why is your blog appearing in the orchid link to malaysia?
Do you grow phalaenopsis?
How can i contact you?
Thank you for visiting my blog,
I plant a bit of everything provided the orchid plant catch my attention and nomally must be of good quality.I also have some pahlaenopsis, doritaenopsis and also renanthopsis.
If you have anything to share it is O.K. to post here. My mail box normally flooded with spam and I may miss it.
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